Verein Mascerade

Media owner & publisher:

Mascerade - Verein für Rollenspiele nach literarischen und cineastischen Vorlagen
(Mascerade - Association for role-playing games based on literary and cinematic models)

Registered office and address:
Dominikanergasse 13 (entrance Morizgasse), 1060 Vienna, Austria
Tel: 0677 / 64 111 760

Basic direction of the website:

The website informs about activities and events of the Verein Mascerade.

Responsible for the content

Verein Mascerade.

Image rights and licences:

All images and licences used are the property of the Mascerade Association, unless otherwise stated. Reproduction or other use is subject to the consent of the media owner.


We continuously check and update all information provided on our website. Nevertheless, some information may have changed or become obsolete in the meantime. For these reasons, we cannot assume any liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided. We cannot accept any responsibility for the content and presentation of other websites referred to by means of links, as this information and site content is not subject to our control. However, should a link refer to a website that contains illegal or immoral content, please inform us immediately. We will immediately arrange for the removal of this link.

Please note our data protection and usage notice.